Corporate Core Coaching

More than information. Transformation.

What is your leadership gap?

With Corporate Core Coaching, Barra Kahn and her team offer a transformative approach to leadership by fostering authenticity, emotional intelligence, and holistic well-being. Leaders who embrace these principles can create environments that promote trust, collaboration, and innovation. Here’s a deeper look at how our team can enhance key leadership qualities and provide holistic business mentorship.

Key leadership qualities enhanced by Core Energetics:

  • Self-Awareness: Core Energetics helps leaders develop a profound self-awareness by recognizing and addressing their unconscious patterns and emotional blockages. This self-awareness allows leaders to act in ways that are congruent with their true values and beliefs, fostering trust and respect among their teams.

    Genuine Connections: Authentic leaders build genuine connections with their team members, creating a culture of openness and honesty. By being true to themselves, leaders encourage others to do the same, leading to a more cohesive and motivated workforce.

  • Emotional Awareness: Through Core Energetics practices, leaders learn to recognize and understand their own emotions. This heightened emotional awareness helps them manage their reactions and stay composed under pressure.

    Empathy and Understanding: Enhanced emotional intelligence allows leaders to empathize with their team members' feelings and perspectives, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. This empathy improves communication and strengthens relationships within the team.

  • Stress Management: Core Energetics techniques, such as breathwork and grounding exercises, help leaders manage stress effectively. By regularly releasing built-up tension, leaders can maintain their energy levels and stay resilient in the face of challenges.

    Adaptability: Resilient leaders are better equipped to handle setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances. Core Energetics empowers leaders to embrace change with a positive mindset, enabling them to navigate uncertainties with confidence.

  • Clearer Insight: By removing energy blockages and fostering a free flow of energy, leaders can access deeper levels of intuition and insight. This clarity helps leaders develop a compelling vision for the future and make strategic decisions.

    Innovative Thinking: Core Energetics encourages leaders to break free from limiting patterns and embrace creative thinking. This innovation is crucial for solving complex problems and driving organizational growth.

  • Encouraging Growth: Leaders trained in Core Energetics understand the importance of personal growth and self-responsibility. They encourage their team members to take ownership of their development, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

    Building Trust: Empowered leaders create an environment where team members feel valued and trusted. By delegating responsibility and providing support, leaders enable their teams to perform at their best and take initiative.

Implementing Core Energetics in Leadership Development

Whether you work globally or locally, Corporate Core Coaching can transform your team.

We’ve conducted trainings and workshops around the world, including: 

  • Center for Spiritual Enlightenment (Falls Church, VA, 2010)

  • Meals on Wheels America (Arlington, VA, 2011)

  • A.T. Kearney Consulting (Arlington, VA, 2012)

  • Core Energetics International Conference (Berlin, 2014)

  • DC Somatics Group (Washington DC, 2017)

  • Core Energetics International Conference (Netherlands, 2018)

  • Core Energetics Academy (Rhode Island, 2019)

  • IOC Consulting (Shanghai China, 2019)

  • Montreal Institute of Core Energetics (Montreal Quebec, 2022 & 2023)

  • Core Polska (Warsaw Poland, 2023)

  • Core Energetics International Conference (Cancun Mexico, 2023)

  • And many more

In addition, founder Barra Kahn has been a professor at George Mason University for 20 years, teaching Nonverbal Communication. She also serves as senior faculty at the Institute of Core Energetics.

Get in touch to discuss how we can work with your leadership.

Core Energetics is a powerful tool for personal transformation and leadership development. By addressing the intricate connection between the individual and the team, leaders can achieve greater authenticity, emotional intelligence, and resilience. Integrating Core Energetics into leadership practices not only enhances individual well-being but also creates a more dynamic and innovative organizational culture.

Meet the director

Barra Kahn, M.A., ACCEP, has a life-long affinity for somatics work. She is the founder and director of Next Generation Core, a multi-faceted personal and professional training institute, in Northern Virginia. She has been teaching yoga and doing body work for over 40 years. Committed to being a conduit for change, her training and advanced certification in Core Energetics has brought together her graduate degree in Psychology and her love of exploring the language of the body. Read more about Barra and meet our team.

Need more info?

Get in touch to discuss how we can work with your leadership, team members, and organization.