Meet the team

Barra Kahn, Founder

Kate Holt

Jim Johnston

Aimee Falchuk

  • Barra Kahn, M.A., ACCEP, has a life-long affinity for somatics work. She is the founder and director of Next Generation Core Somatic Training, a multi-faceted personal and professional training institute, in Northern Virginia. She has been teaching yoga and doing body work for over 40 years. Committed to being a conduit for change, her training and advanced certification in Core Energetics has brought together her graduate degree in Psychology and Communication and her love of exploring the language of the body.

    Barra is senior faculty at the Institute of Core Energetics where she led a committee on the Board of Directors for 7 years. As a professor of Communication at GMU for 20 years, she focused on Nonverbal Communication skills both for businesses, groups, and individuals. For nine years, Barra was on the faculty and Artistic Director of The National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts. 

    Barra leads trainings and workshops globally. She is uniquely adept at bringing out the best in executives and their teams, and creating organizational results by melding the powerful work of Core Energetics with advanced communication skills, leadership training, and one-on-one coaching. Barra is a member of the United States Association of Body Psychotherapists (USABP), Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP), and Yoga Alliance.

  • Kate Holt RN, ACCEP has facilitated personal transformation with individuals and groups in her private practice since 1995. Since 2003, her primary modality has been Core Energetics. She holds many other certifications, including trauma professional, Exceptional Relationship mentor, Radical Aliveness facilitator, and Art of Feminine Presence facilitator.  

    Kate served as the Executive Director of the Institute of Core Energetics, a nonprofit training organization in New York, from 2016 to 2022. She has been training practitioners at the Institute since 2005. Kate teaches Core Energetics, supervises practitioners, and provides leadership coaching, throughout the US and internationally. Kate deeply loves Core Energetics for its benefits, evolutionary nature, and ripple effect on the world. She’s passionate about life, family, travel, learning, health and fitness, and personal growth; yours and her own.

  • Jim Johnston, ACCEP, Academic Director at the Institute of Core Energetics, has been in practice for 15 years. Jim began as a Core Energetics client and found tremendous personal transformation leading him to a practice in NYC, positions at ICE, NYC Living Core, Nyack Living Core, international teaching, and co-founding Corevolution NYC. He believes in the power of this work to change lives.

  • Aimee Falchuk, MPH, M. ED, CCEP holds a B.A. in Women's Studies from Barnard College, a Master's in Public Health from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Master's in Education in Counseling and Psychology from Cambridge College Graduate School of Counseling and Psychology and Practitioner Certification in Core Energetics from the Institute of Core Energetics, NYC. Aimee has a private practice and is a faculty member at the Institute of Core Energetics. Aimee is the founder of The Falchuk Group, a personal and corporate consulting platform with an emphasis on personal development. Aimee is a contributing writer for the wellness magazine Goop and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Hadassah Foundation and Mental Health America.