Corporate Core Coaching Workshops

Corporate Core Coaching takes many forms, from one-on-one executive coaching to large group, interactive engagement. Our team also specializes in workshops with groups, organizations, and companies.

Here is a sampling of customizable workshops:

Nonverbal Communication at Work

Nonverbal Communication is getting a lot of buzz lately, but we have been working in the field for more than 20 years. It’s a fascinating and growing avocation with much appeal in the corporate setting. Human Resource directors are exploring this subject because business almost always involves human interaction. Understanding nonverbal cues can be an enormous benefit in terms of working with clients, competitors, colleagues, and potential clients. It involves everything from a handshake to eye contact, to how to read someone's posture, to unconscious physiological responses to touch or to proxemics, or predicting a client’s response by the tone of their voice over the phone.

Nonverbal Communication accounts for 93% of our total communication package. Only 7% of our total communication package is based in words. Incorporating the eight branches of Nonverbal Communication, we design interactive workshops that can be taught anywhere, from three hours to three days. Most people imagine Nonverbal Communication to be Body Language, but it is much more than that. These workshops focus on:

  • the ability to send, receive, and read nonverbal signals

  • proxemics - territoriality and personal space

  • reading facial language - eye communication, etc

  • paralanguage and vocalics - understanding tone, etc.

  • kinesics - reading body language

  • chronemics - the effects of time as a stress factor

  • haptics - touch as interaction management, etc.

Workshop attendees are often surprised by how much they didn’t realize they already know. Our work with groups brings conscious awareness to their own actions as well as a growing ability to read nonverbal cues in others. In addition, the skills and practices we share in workshops are often translatable to other areas of participants’ lives, leading to happier, healthier, and more fulfilled employees.

Would your company benefit from harnessing the power of Nonverbal Communication?

Contact us for a detailed guide to the Eight Branches of Nonverbal Communication.

Conflict Resolution and Team Dynamics

Perceptions of credibility and leadership play a crucial role in shaping team dynamics, employee engagement, and overall organizational effectiveness. Leaders who are perceived as credible are more likely to inspire trust, motivate their teams, and drive successful outcomes. Integrating the holistic approach of Core Energetics into conflict resolution in the office can lead to profound and lasting improvements in team dynamics and overall workplace harmony. We combine bodywork and psychological insight to address underlying energetic patterns that influence behavior and interactions, leading to enhanced emotional intelligence, reduced tension and stress, improved communication skills and collaboration, greater trust and cohesion, personal and professional growth as employees gain insights into their behavior patterns.

Our Conflict Resolution Process

  • Initial Assessment: Begin with an assessment to understand the specific conflicts and dynamics within the team. This can involve confidential interviews or surveys to gather insights into the underlying issues.

  •  Creating a Safe Space: Establish a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their truth. This includes setting ground rules for confidentiality and respect during sessions.

  •  Body Awareness Exercises: Introduce body awareness exercises that helps employees connect with their physical sensations and emotions that drive unconscious behavior.

  • Physical and Emotional Release Techniques: Movement techniques, vocalization, and bioenergetic processes help employees release what they’re holding in their bodies. These techniques help to clear blockages and reduce tension, promoting greater clarity and energy.

  •  Mind-Body Integration: Facilitate techniques to help employees process perspectives and gain insights into their behavior patterns.

  •  Role-Playing and Communication Skills: Practice effective communication and conflict resolution skills, i.e. using "I" statements, active listening, and assertive communication to help individuals understand different perspectives and develop empathy.

  •  Group Dynamics and Team Building: Introduce techniques that promote trust, cooperation, and cohesion. Team-building processes that may involve physical movement, shared goals, and creative expression can help strengthen bonds and improve group dynamics.

  •  Ongoing Support and Follow-Up: Provide ongoing support through regular check-ins, follow-up sessions, and access to resources such as coaching or counseling. Continuous support helps reinforce new behaviors and ensures that employees feel supported in their personal and professional growth.

Emerging Leadership

Fostering emerging leaders is crucial for an organization’s long-term success as it ensures a pipeline of capable individuals ready to step into leadership positions. Employees who are given opportunities for leadership development are more likely to be engaged and committed to the organization, bringing fresh perspectives and ideas, which can enhance team performance and innovation. Investing in employee development can increase job satisfaction and reduce turnover rates, and make the organization more resilient and adaptable to changes and challenges.

At Corporate Core Coaching our training:

  • provides emerging leaders with training that covers essential skills such as communication, conflict resolution, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. Coaching sessions can help emerging leaders set goals and develop their leadership style.

  • promote a culture of continuous learning by providing access to trainings that foster a growth mindset, encouraging emerging leaders to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and view feedback as an opportunity for growth. We ensure that emerging leaders feel safe to express their ideas and take initiative.

  • promotes work-life balance which supports emerging leaders in preventing burnout and ensure sustained growth and productivity.

  • develops a strong leadership conduit to making the organization more resilient and adaptable to changes and challenges. 

Our Leadership Development Program offers a structured curriculum which includes training modules, and hands-on leadership exercises such as strategic thinking, team building, communication skills, and emotional intelligence.

Emotional regulation is a crucial skill in the workplace, as it helps individuals manage their perceptions, judgments, viewpoints, and actions effectively. It guides us to effectively maintain professional relationships, and enhance overall productivity. Core Energetics offers a range of tools that can help individuals build emotional regulation and manage misperceptions. These tools focus on increasing self-awareness, releasing blocked emotions, and fostering a balanced flow of energy. Here’s an overview of some Core Energetics tools and practices that can be used to build emotional regulation:

  • Body Awareness Exercises

  • Grounding Techniques

  • Breathwork

  • Expressive Movement

  • Vocal Expression

  • Visualization and Guided Imagery

  • Self-Reflective Journaling

  • Energy Release Techniques

  • Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Role-Playing and Psychodrama

Some of the above tools can be incorporated into a regular routine. Professional Support with a trained Core Energetics practitioner for personalized guidance and deeper work is available. Professional support can help tailor these practices to individual needs and provide a safe space for emotional exploration.  Workshops and Group Sessions: Participation in workshops or group sessions to practice these techniques in a supportive community setting ensures success. Group dynamics can enhance the effectiveness of the practices through shared experiences and feedback.

Building Emotional Regulation at Work